✨Happy New Year’s Eve✨

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“We run when we’re scared, we run when we’re ecstatic, we run away from our problems and run around for a good time.” ― Christopher McDougall, Born to Run

Happy everything my running peeps! Here we are standing on the cusp of another year! If you can’t decide how to feel about that, know it’s ok, you’re in good company with at least half of us out here. If you’re on the side that can’t imagine how we got here so fast then welcome to all of us! I’ve heard so many agree that this year just went. For some it has been a three-year stint disguised as one because 2020 was the year without end, until now. For those, the end didn’t come fast enough. Either way, phew! We’re still here. There’s purpose and power in that and don’t let anyone tell you different. I only have to think of those who didn’t make it to December 31 to appreciate the gift that has been given to me. Let this be your perspective my friends. Being grateful for what you have in front of you is one sure way to open up your eyes to the possibilities that exist and will help you to walk into the new year with a fresh perspective.

The final day of the year always finds me out for a run. Today was no exception. Though I’ve been resting, somewhat, per my PT instructions, I opted for a 7.5 mile run on this overcast, slightly wet, and warmer- than-usual winter day. I’ve always admired how the running community remains unphased in the face of anything/everything. In fact, it seems our answer in almost all situations is to go for a run. It’s as if you can take away everything just leave us the opportunity to run. Therefore, almost every time I head out for a run, I am almost never alone. Rain, sun, snow, storm, come what may, I’m sure to find like-minded souls out and about running. We’re certifiable is what we are when we brave the elements just to get that run in. But more than that I suspect it’s our free, happy, and confident place – the one place we get to be fully in control (more than less anyway). The world might be tied up in knots and going crazy about us but throwing on a pair of sneakers will put some perspective on it all. As such, I had ample company today with a comradeiere that didn’t need words. It was awesome!

I cannot say what the new year will hold, the uncertainty of this world and the fast pace of things are apt to leave you grappling with the last shoe drop while waiting for the next one. I refuse to get caught up in the web of dread and what will happen next. So guess what I’ll be doing instead? It involves those dear sneakers and dear old running but also some cross training, more on that next time, which will go a long way in helping me maintain perspective. Join me, will yah!

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