Happy November, Thanksgiving, & Turkey Trots Thoughts

“The First Step to being Great is being Grateful.”

-attributed to Ralph Smart

This year it’s a November for the books! We kicked it off with the New York City marathon two weeks ago with record temps and record finishers in those conditions, some 47,839, as I stood at the 14th mile fluid station with sweat rolling down my back handing out drink after drink to thousands of runners. Let’s just say, that we should never underestimate the role of those who perform this painstaking task time and again. All props to those volunteers who hand out both fluid and encouragement for hours each year. They’re the real Gs! On the other hand, our runners this year are simply rockstars. Unless you’re a runner, you can’t appreciate the grit and determination it takes to finish a marathon in mid 70° temps with 79% humidity. For sure there were some casualties with 48,000 runners starting out. But if you were or know anyone who was still able to run a PR, wow, double kudos to you and to them.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t feel any desire to join the running crowd back on November 9. I felt I had chosen the wiser path. LoL. And since then I’ve been walking, for the most part, in wisdom and resting and taking care of a knee issue that arose out of my Chicago run. The past two weeks have seen me run a few times, most notably, this past Saturday when I went on a 5-mile morning run to the park and back. It was an easy run meant to act as a sort of feel-out run and I did just that. Happily, I felt no pain and was able to enjoy a sunny but chilly fall run and come away with the impression that I needed some new running shoes and to take advantage of the sunshine, even though it’s cold, before the real winter weather gets here.

This week we’re celebrating Thanksgiving in these United States and amidst all the turkey talk, I’m being super intentional about demonstrating gratitude for this year and all that I’ve been able to have, receive, accomplish, and share. Most Americans are thankful for the season and for their family and provisions, as we should all be, but I encourage us all to expand our thankfulness to everything we are and are blessed with. After all that we, as a global community, have been through in the past two years, we are blessed to be here and blessed to be a blessing. A heart overflowing with gratitude will ensure that we pass it on and hopefully create a contagious pattern of behavior – an attitude of gratitude – that is not restricted to a day but extends throughout the remainder of the year and all into next year too.

And if that isn’t enough November action for you, well, we runners love our turkey trots around these parts. So, in New York City, the Thanksgiving tradion also includes a festive 5K run/trot held on Thanksgiving morning. It’s a family-friendly race where you can run, walk, trot, and gather socially to get some exercise; because we like to associate running with everything we do, but also so we can feel less guilt about the turkey and its embellishments we intend to gobble up later that day. LoL. Happy trotting and happy thanksgiving! 🦃

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